How to Practice the Art of Resilience

We’ve all heard and know how crucial it is to be in shape mentally and physically to recover and spring back from negative situations – be at work or home. However, in today’s business dynamics, resilience is not merely an add-on but rather an imperative skill-set to possess.

This is not something which a person can readily adopt in life: it is a forte that has to be groomed over time. From my experience as a businessman of over thirty years, following are a few habits you could inculcate to make a difference.

  1. Re-program your work schedule: Multi-tasking is good, even required at times; but you should limit this habit. Especially for matters of strategic importance, ensure you’ve designated a particular time slot / place all your own wherein none of your subordinates should disturb you anyway unless it’s urgent.                                            As far as decision-making and sharing is concerned, make it a practice not to make too many all one right after another. This would improve the quality of decisions you take. Another good measure is to make checklists a part of your daily routine. The practice to quickly jot down important notes helps you lesson mental fatigue and in memory retention.
  2. Time your responses: Humans have an inherent tendency to react to people and situations they feel averse to. It keeps happening at work too, all the time. While it’s not easy to master it, learn to refine your responses by avoiding angry outbursts and knee-jerk reactions at work. Deep breathing is one exercise, if done correctly, that can bring down your stress levels quickly. Also, another way to calm yourself and deal with critical responses is to practice the aroma therapy. Certain smells have a soothing effect on the mind. While each to his own, for me the smell of freshly grounded coffee beans works!
  3. Reorganize your perceptions: While we all have certain strong beliefs and attitude to negative situations, take time out to actively see and analyze such setbacks in the positive framework. For instance, write down the matter which’s troubling you; then write the situation in a completely reverse order – and then outline a plan of action to make the positive outcome you have jotted down into reality.
  4. Refresh your mind and body:  A proper diet, keeping yourself well hydrated throughout the day, limiting alcohol intake, and practicing a bit of yoga and going to the gym even thrice a week can work wonders. Similarly, rejuvenate your mind by thinking holistically of what all you ideally cherish in life as a whole; it will give you a sense of purpose and drive.

The above have helped me become better at resilience. I hope the same works for you.


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